

Powerful custom machines

Revimaxx designs, develops and implements powerful machines tailored to your business. You may already have your own design or just a particular idea. We quickly and decisively utilise all of our expertise to transform your ambitious idea into a unique machine.

In-house production as a guarantee

Revimaxx’s reason for adhering firmly to our entire in-house production process lies in our years of experience using our mechanical engineering skills in machining and welding complex and bulky parts.

So, this means we can offer a guarantee of quality and ensure your customised machine is confidential.

We build the machine for you… and for you alone!


On-site support

Revimaxx does not drop you in the deep end. We make every effort to expedite a seamless integration into your production environment after delivery. And we also provide train-the-trainer classes.

Only in this way can our machine be deployed quickly and optimally, while you regain your autonomy, without feeling abandoned.